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highway express

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Our top routes

Transnasional, Plusliner and Nice operate over 30 intercity bus routes in Peninsular Malaysia.

Transnasional Bus

Transnasional Bus

Transnasional bus is a popular brand among the locals and a well known household icon in the express bus industry. Our buses connect customers from over 200 destinations to major cities and towns across Peninsular Malaysia. With the addition of the new executive seats, passengers can now enjoy better and more comfortable interstate travel experience.

Plusliner Bus

Plusliner Bus

Synonym with the name, Plusliner economy coach is designed specifically for highway express commuters. The most frequent highway express is also dubbed as King Of The Highway, as a reflection of its efficient and timely services to the loyal passengers.

Transnasional & Plusliner
the preferred choices




About Us

"Transnasional.com.my" is the official online ticket booking website for Transnasional Bus, Plusliner Bus and Nice Executive Coach.
This website is managed by NADI WILLER, a joint venture of 2 large transportation corporations:
Nadicorp Holdings Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) and WILLER Group (Japan)

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